Various Pan Tilt controller plugins and firmware implementations for OctoPrint server

python c++ netflix


OctoPrint is a popular 3D printer control software package. It has a number of built in features, including video monitoring capabilities - but by default it can not control the position of the camera. But, OctoPrint is extensible through user created Python plugins. This project captures the plugins and firmware developed to add video pan/tilt capability to the OctoPrint server. The projects below add serial and pwm controls to the UI controls added in the plugin OctoPrint-PanTilt and add support for a simple and low cost 2 axis gimbal bracket.



Video of Pan/Tilt plugin in action

PanTilt ESP8266 Video


The 2 axis servo gimbals can be found on ebay and other online locations. Nano and ESP8266 development boards are also pretty easy to find.
